
Pico Technology Picoscope 4224A

Oscilloscope USB 2 voies, 20MHz, 80MEch/s, 256Mpts, 12 bits + générateur arbitraire 14 bits, USB 3.0

Pico Technology
Reference : Picoscope4224A
Serie : PicoScope
Purchase Order Reference : PQ288
Brand : Pico Technology
Oscilloscope USB & générateur de fonctions & arbitraire.
Nombre de voies: 2.
Résolution: 12 bits.
Bande passante: 20MHz.
Echantillonnage: 80 MEch/s (1-4 voies); 40 MEch/s (5-8 voies).
Mémoire tampon: 256Mpts.
Décodage de bus CAN, LIN, I2C, I2S, UART/RS232, SPI, FlexRay. 

Générateur de fonction & arbitraire:
Résolution: 14 bits.
Bande passante: DC to 1MHz.
Echantillonnage (Arbitraire): 80 MEch/s. 

Interface USB 3.0.
Fourni avec 2 sondes de tension passives.
Livré avec logiciel PC PicoScope 6.
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Expédié sous 3 semaines
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PicoScope 4000A Series

High-resolution deep-memory oscilloscopes


Picoscope 4224A Picoscope 4424A Picoscope 4824A
Number of channels 2 4 8
Bandwidth 20 MHz
Memory 256 MS
Sample rate 80 MS/s


Crystal-clear waveform analysis


The PicoScope 4000A Series of PC oscilloscopes is a second-generation upgrade and expansion of our high-resolution, deep-memory product portfolio.

With 2-, 4- and 8-channel models available, the PicoScope 4000A Series boasts 12-bit hardware resolution (to 16 bits with Resolution Enhancement), 256 MS deep capture memory, 20 MHz bandwidth with 80 MS/s sampling speed, up to 70 dB SFDR and a built-in 14-bit triggerable signal generator and 80 MS/s AWG. A SuperSpeed USB 3.0 interface powers the instrument and delivers up to 160 MS/s communications to the host PC. All models run with the popular PicoScope 6 user interface and benefit from the free PicoSDK software development kit, which gives users direct programming control of the hardware for custom applications. The scopes also work with PicoLog 6 data logging software for lower-speed long-duration captures.

The following features come as standard on all 4000A oscilloscopes:

  • 2, 4 or 8 channels
  • 20 MHz bandwidth
  • 12-bit resolution
  • 256 MS capture memory
  • 80 MS/s sampling rate
  • 1% DC accuracy
  • ±10 mV to ±50 V input ranges
  • 10 000 segment waveform buffer
  • 80 MS/s AWG update rate
  • 14-bit resolution AWG
  • Low-cost and portable
  • SuperSpeed USB 3.0 interface
  • Split-screen waveform viewing
  • Up to 70 dB SFDR
  • Advanced digital triggering
  • Serial bus decoding
  • PicoScope and PicoSDK® software included


Up to 8 channels of high resolution

With the PicoScope 4000A Series providing a choice of either 2, 4 or 8 high-resolution analog channels you can easily view audio, ultrasonic, vibration and power waveforms, analyze timing of complex systems, and perform a wide range of precision measurement tasks on multiple inputs at the same time. The scopes have a small, compact footprint, yet the BNC connectors with a minimum 20 mm spacing still accept all common probes and accessories. Despite their compact size, there is no compromise on performance. With a high vertical resolution of 12 bits, 20 MHz bandwidth, 256 MS buffer memory, and a fast sampling rate of 80 MS/s, the PicoScope 4000A Series has the power and functionality to deliver accurate results. With up to 8 channels, these oscilloscopes can analyze multiple serial buses such as UART, I2C, SPI, CAN and LIN plus control and driver signals.


Why choose the PicoScope 4000A Series oscilloscopes?

The PicoScope 4000A Series provides 20 MHz bandwidth, low noise, 12-bit resolution, deep capture memory and an integrated function and arbitrary waveform generator in a compact USB 3 connected PC-based package, together with a proven user interface. This series of oscilloscopes is especially suited to engineers, scientists and technicians working on a wide range of electrical, mechanical, audio, lidar, radar, ultrasonic, NDT and predictive maintenance systems who need to make precise measurements and analysis of repetitive or single-shot long-duration waveforms.

The PicoScope 4000A Series is unlike conventional oscilloscopes with 8-bit resolution and limited capture memory or card-based digitizers that require an expensive mainframe and offers the following benefits:

  • PicoScope 6 user interface with time- and frequency-domain waveform views
  • Automatic measurements of important waveform parameters on up to a million waveform cycles with each triggered acquisition using DeepMeasure™
  • Decoding of 18 popular industry serial bus standards
  • An application programming interface that provides direct control of the hardware
  • Five-year warranty included as standard


Suitable for a broad range of applications, including:

  • Power supply start sequencing
  • 7-channel audio systems
  • Multi-sensor systems
  • Multi-phase drives and controls
  • Predictive/preventive maintenance
  • Complex embedded system development
  • Power harmonics analysis
  • Vibration analysis and diagnostics
  • Long-duration waveform capture
  • Lubricant analysis
  • Acoustic emission analysis
  • Oil condition sensors
  • Machine monitoring
  • Motor condition monitoring overview and motor current signature analysis (MCSA)
  • Model-based voltage and current systems
  • Infrared thermography

Complex embedded systems

When debugging an embedded system with a scope, you can quickly run out of channels. You may need to look at an I2C or SPI bus at the same time as multiple power rails, DAC outputs and logic signals. With up to eight channels, the PicoScope 4000A Series can cope with all of this. Choose whether to decode up to eight serial buses, with analog waveforms and decoded data both visible, or a combination of serial buses and other analog or digital signals. PicoScope provides advanced triggering on all channels, so you can search for runt pulses, dropouts and noise as well as looking for data patterns using the 4-input Boolean logic trigger.


Pack contents

  • PicoScope 4000A Series 2-, 4- or 8-channel oscilloscope
  • Oscilloscope probes (if purchased)
  • USB 3.0 cable 1.8 m
  • Quick Start Guide


ModelPicoScope 4224APicoScope 4424APicoScope 4824A
Oscilloscope – vertical
Input channels 2 4 8
Bandwidth (−3 dB) 20 MHz (50 mV to 50 V ranges)
10 MHz (10 mV and 20 mV ranges)
Rise time (calculated) 17.5 ns (50 mV to 50 V ranges)
35.0 ns (10 mV and 20 mV ranges)
Input type BNC, at least 20 mm spacing
Vertical resolution 12 bits
Software-enhanced vertical resolution Up to 16 bits
Input sensitivity 2 mV/div to 10 V/div (10 vertical divisions)
Input ranges ±10 mV to ±50 V full scale, in 12 ranges
Input coupling Software-selectable AC / DC
Input characteristics 1 MΩ ∥ 19 pF
DC accuracy ±1% of full scale ±300 μV
Analog offset range (vertical position adjustment) ±250 mV (10 mV to 500 mV ranges)
±2.5 V (1 V to 5 V ranges)
±25 V (10 V to 50 V ranges)
Analog offset accuracy ±1% of offset setting additional to basic DC accuracy
Maximum input voltage ±50 V DC, 42.4 V peak AC
Overvoltage protection ±100 V (DC + AC peak)
Oscilloscope – horizontal
Maximum sampling rate (real-time) 80 MS/s (up to four channels in use)
40 MS/s (five or more channels in use)
Maximum sampling rate (USB 3.0, continuous streaming mode) 20 MS/s using PicoScope 6 software, shared between channels
80 MS/s max. for a single channel using PicoSDK. 160 MS/s total across all channels. (PC-dependent)
Timebase ranges 20 ns/div to 5000 s/div
Buffer memory 256 MS shared between active channels
Streaming buffer memory (PicoScope) 100 MS
Streaming buffer memory (SDK) Up to available PC memory
Maximum buffer segments 10,000 
Maximum waveforms per second 100,000 (PC-dependent)
Timebase accuracy ±20 ppm (+5 ppm/year)
Sample jitter 25 ps RMS typical
Dynamic performance (typical)
Crosstalk −76 dB, DC to 20 MHz
Harmonic distortion < −60 dB, 10 mV range
< −70 dB, 20 mV and higher ranges
SFDR > 60 dB, 20 mV and 10 mV ranges
> 70 dB, 50 mV and higher ranges
Noise 45 μV RMS on 10 mV range
Bandwidth flatness DC to full bandwidth (+0.2 dB, −3 dB)
Pulse response < 1% overshoot
Source Channels A to B Channels A to D Channels A to H
Trigger modes Free run, auto, repeat, single, rapid (segmented memory)
Trigger types Edge with adjustable hysteresis, pulse width, window, window pulse width, dropout, window dropout, interval, logic level, runt pulse
Trigger sensitivity Digital triggering provides 1 LSB accuracy up to full bandwidth
Maximum pre-trigger capture 100% of capture size
Maximum post-trigger delay Zero to 4 billion samples (settable in 1 sample steps)
Trigger rearm time < 3 μs on fastest timebase
Maximum trigger rate Up to 10 000 waveforms in a 30 ms burst
Advanced digital trigger levels All trigger levels, window levels and hysteresis values settable with 1 LSB resolution across input range
Advanced digital time intervals Settable with 1 sample resolution from 1 sample (minimum 12.5 ns) up to 4 billion sample intervals
Function generator
Standard output signals Sine, square, triangle, DC voltage, ramp, sinc, Gaussian, half-sine, white noise, PRBS
Standard signal frequency 0.03 Hz to 1 MHz
Sweep modes Up, down, dual
Triggering Can trigger a counted number of waveform cycles or sweeps (up to 1 billion)
from the scope trigger or manually from software.
Frequency accuracy ±20 ppm
Frequency resolution < 0.02 Hz
Voltage range ±2 V
Amplitude and offset adjustment Signal amplitude and offset within ± 2V range. Adjustable in approx 300 μV steps.
Amplitude flatness < 0.5 dB to 1 MHz typical
DC accuracy ±1% of full scale
SFDR 87 dB typical
Output characteristics Rear-panel BNC, 600 Ω output impedance
Overvoltage protection ±10 V
Arbitrary Waveform Generator
Update rate 80 MS/s
Buffer size 16 kS
Resolution 14 bits (output step size approximately 300 μV)
Bandwidth 1 MHz
Rise time (10% to 90%) 150 ns
Sweep modes, triggering, frequency accuracy and resolution, voltage range and accuracy and output characteristics as for function generator.
Spectrum analyzer
Frequency range DC to 20 MHz
Display modes Magnitude, average, peak hold
Windowing functions Rectangular, Gaussian, triangular, Blackman, Blackman-Harris, Hamming, Hann, flat-top
Number of FFT points Selectable from 128 up to 1 million in powers of 2
Scale / units X axis : linear or log 10
Y axis : logarithmic (dbV, dBu, dBm, arbitrary) or linear (volts)
Math channels
General functions −x, x+y, x−y, x*y, x/y, x^y, sqrt, exp, ln, log, abs, norm, sign, sin, cos, tan, arcsin, arccos, arctan, sinh, cosh, tanh, derivative, integral, delay
Filter functions Lowpass, highpass, bandstop, bandpass
Graphing functions Frequency, duty cycle
Multi-waveform functions Min, max, average, peak
Operands Input channels, reference waveforms, time, constants, pi
Automatic measurements
Scope mode AC RMS, true RMS, cycle time, DC average, duty cycle, falling rate, fall time, frequency, high pulse width, low pulse width, maximum, minimum, peak to peak, rise time, rising rate.
Spectrum mode Frequency at peak, amplitude at peak, average amplitude at peak, total power, THD %, THD dB, THD+N, SFDR, SINAD, SNR, IMD
Statistics Minimum, maximum, average and standard deviation
Scope mode AC RMS, true RMS, cycle time, DC average, duty cycle, falling rate, fall time, frequency, high pulse width, low pulse width, maximum, minimum, peak to peak, rise time, rising rate.
Spectrum mode Frequency at peak, amplitude at peak, average amplitude at peak, total power, THD %, THD dB, THD+N, SFDR, SINAD, SNR, IMD
Statistics Minimum, maximum, average and standard deviation
Serial decoding
Protocols 1-Wire, ARINC 429, CAN, CAN FD, DALI, DCC, DMX512, Ethernet (10Base-T), FlexRay, I²C, I²S, LIN, Manchester, MODBUS (ASCII and RTU), PS/2, SENT, SPI, UART/RS-232. Subject to number of channels available.
Inputs All input channels with any mixture of protocols
Mask limit testing
Mask creation User-drawn, table entry, auto-generated from waveform or imported from file
Actions Highlight on screen, select in buffer overview, activate alarm
Statistics Pass/fail, failure count, total count
Initiating events Capture, buffer full, mask fail
Alarm actions Beep, play sound, stop/restart capture, run executable, save current buffer/all buffers, trigger signal generator
Interpolation Linear or sin(x)/x
Persistence modes Digital color, analog intensity, fast, custom
Data export
Output file formats BMP, CSV, GIF, JPG, MATLAB 4, PDF, PNG, PicoScope data, PicoScope settings, TXT
Output functions Copy to clipboard, print
Temperature range (operating) 0 °C to 45 °C
Temperature range (stated accuracy) 20 °C to 30 °C
Temperature range (storage) –20 °C to +60 °C
Humidity range (operating) 5% to 80% RH non-condensing
Humidity range (storage) 5% to 95% RH non-condensing
Altitude Up to 2000 m
Pollution degree EN 61010 pollution degree 2: “only nonconductive pollution occurs except that occasionally a temporary conductivity caused by condensation is expected”
Physical properties
Dimensions 190 x 170 x 40 mm (7.5" x 6.7" x 1.6")
Weight < 0.55 kg (19.4 oz)
Windows software PicoScope 6
PicoLog 6
PicoSDK software development kit
Windows 7, 8 or 10 recommended (read more)
macOS software PicoScope 6 Beta (feature list)
PicoLog 6
Software development kit (SDK)
OS versions: see release notes
Linux software PicoScope 6 Beta (feature list)
Software development kit (SDK)
See Linux Software & Drivers for details of supported distributions
Raspberry Pi software PicoLog 6 for Raspberry Pi 3B and 4B (Raspberry Pi OS)
Languages PicoScope 6: English, Chinese (simplified), Chinese (traditional), Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish
PicoLog 6: English (UK), English (US), Simplified Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish
What's in the box? PicoScope 4000A Series high-resolution oscilloscope
USB 3.0 cable
USB Oscilloscope Quick Start Guide
10:1/1:1 switched probes (quantity shown below)
Number of probes included 2 4 4
PC connectivity SuperSpeed USB 3.0 (USB 2.0 compatible)
Power requirements Powered from USB
Ground terminal M4 screw on rear panel
Safety compliance Designed to EN 61010-1; LVD compliant
EMC compliance Tested to meet EN61326-1 and FCC Part 15 Subpart B
Environmental compliance RoHS and WEEE
Total satisfaction guarantee In the event that this product does not fully meet your requirements you can return it for an exchange or refund. To claim, the product must be returned in good condition within 14 days.
Warranty 5 years
Product Details
41-Standard Manufacturer Warranty 5 YEARS
3-Number of analog channels 2 Channels
694-USB format USB 3.0
45-PC interface USB
4-Bandwidth (Hz) 20 MHz
10-Min. Vertical Sensitivity (mV/div) 10 mV
98-Trigger (Type) Edge | Logic/Pattern | Runt | Pulse width | Interval | DropOut
5-Sampling rate (S/s) 80 Msps (1-4 ch); 40 Msps (5-8 ch)
7-Vertical Resolution (Bits) 12 Bits
338-MSO/logic analysis (Y/N) No
6-Record Length (pts) 256 MPts
674-Built-in generator Function or waveform | Arbitrary waveform
En Stock No
36-Additional Characteristics Vertical resolution: 12 bits.Included an AWG generator, 14 bit, 1MHz, 80MS/s.USB 3.0 interface (Compatible with USB 2.0 & 1.1)Powered by USB interface (1 port for USB 3.0, 2 ports with USB 2.0)
132-Package includes Software & reference CD ROM, USB3.0 cable, USB 2.0 double head cable, quick start guide
35-Dimension (HxWxD) (mm) 40x190x170 mm
13-Net Weight 550 g
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