
Seaward PRIMETEST 250+

Testeur PAT, indication pass/fail (programmable) et affichage des valeurs, RCD, isolement 250/500V - Enregistrement des données - USB

Reference : SEAPT250p
Serie : Prime test, seapt250, primetest 250
Purchase Order Reference : PRIMETEST 250+
Brand : Seaward
Testeur d'appareil portable et de prise.
Continuité de terre sous 200mA.
Résistance d'isolement (250/500V).
Test de fuite de terre.
Test de fuite 3 phases (adaptateur 3 phases requis (voir les produits associés en bas de page)).
Test RCD (disjoncteurs différentiels 30mA).
Test de cordon IEC.
Test PAT Classe I.
Test PAT Classe II.
Test de prise.
Indication Pass/Fail (limites programmables).
Indication des valeurs des tests réalisés.
Indication du courant de fuite équivalent Class I et Class II.
Idéal pour Maintenance Staff, Care Homes, Schools & Colleges, Leisure Industry.
Enregistrement des données.
Interface USB.
Chargement des données sur ordinateur via logiciel PC fourni.
VAT incl VAT excl
Expédié sous 3 semaines
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Seaward PrimeTest 250+


5th Edition Compliant


The PrimeTest 250+ portable appliance tester is battery powered and handheld to allow for fast and efficient testing with clear PASS/FAIL indication and test result values. It has a comprehensive range of mains and battery powered tests, data storage and label printing features.

New updated 5th Edition products now include a test for Class 2 FE equipment, a test for long leads and variable PASS/FAIL limits.           


Enabling simple, professional and fast PAT testing, this versatile tester features all of the required tests of the IET 5th Edition Code of Practice along with USB download. It is also fully compatible with the Test n Tag Pro serial printer for quick and easy label printing without any setup required – just plug and print.

Using Seaward’s free datalogger program and pressing a single download key allows test result data to be quickly and easily transferred from the PrimeTest 250+ to PC at the press of a button.

Data is downloaded in a simple CSV spreadsheet format for your PAT records or alternatively it can be imported directly into Seaward’s PATGuard 3 software for more enhanced record keeping, reporting and certification.

Seaward’s unique ‘ZAP’ technology ensures that earth continuity measurements are accurate in situations where other testers struggle to provide reliable measurements, such as measuring through rust, limescale and other surface contamination.

The PrimeTest Series Testers can be used with our free PATMobile App as part of a combined record keeping and reporting solution. The PATMobile App works with the PrimeTest 250+ to enable the input and storage of test records alongside barcode scanning, wireless label printing, photo tagging and mobile reporting.

Built in Britain and used by 1,000’s of organisations every day.


Technical Specifications

Earth Continuity
Output Current 200mA minimum into 2Ω
Test Voltage (o/c) 9VDC nominal
Test Duration (Class I Test) 2s nominal
Display Range 0.01 - 19.99Ω
Pass Value (Class I Test) 0.1Ω/0.2Ω/0.3Ω
Equivalent Leakage
Test Voltage 40V Nominal AC 50Hz Open Circuit
Test Duration 2s
Display Range 0.1 - 19.99mA
Pass Value 5mA
Protective Conductor Current
Test Voltage Supply Voltage, max current 13A
Test Duration 120s maximum
Display Range 0.15 - 9.99mA
Pass Value 5mA
3 phase leakage current
(Requires 3 phase adaptor accessory)
Test Voltage 3 phase supply voltage
Test Duration Continuous measurement
Display Range 0.10 - 9.99mA
Pass Value 5mA
Power Socket Check
Input Voltage Range 225 - 254VAC max current 13A UK
Indicates Configuration of Voltage Potential Line potential phase to earth. Line potential phase to neutral. Line potential neutral to earth
Insulation Resistance
Test Voltage 250/500VDC @1mA nomina
Test Current < 2mA (s/c)
Test Duration (Class I or II) 2s
Display Range 0.01 - 19.99MΩ
Pass Value Class I 1.0MΩ
Pass Value Class II 2.0MΩ
IEC Lead Test
Test Voltage 5VDC nominal
Test Duration Time for test (2s max)
Test Live / Neutral Checks for o/c, s/c and crossed
Touch Current
Test Voltage Supply voltage, max current 13A
Test Duration 120s maximum
Display Range 0.10 - 5mA
Pass Value 5mA
RCD Trip Time
RCD Type Plugtop and fixed installation
Test Voltage Mains supply voltage
Test Current 30/150mA rms sinusoidal
Test Current Phase 0°/180° auto switched on alternate tests
Measuring Range 0 – 500ms
Pass Value 200ms/40ms


Product Details
41-Standard Manufacturer Warranty 1 YEAR (+1 YEAR*)
521-PAT tests Pass/Fail indication | Earth continuity(200mA) | Insulation resistance | IEC lead test | Class I PAT Test | Class II PAT Test | Equivalent leakage Class I | Equivalent leakage Class II
522-Circuit tests Power Socket Test | RCD Trip Time
En Stock No
36-Additional Characteristics Indication of measured values.250/500V insulation.Earth leakage.3 phase leakage (3 phase adaptor required (see associated products).Programmable pass/fail limits.
132-Package includes Test lead, IEC lead, instruction manual and deluxe carry case with shoulder strap
35-Dimension (HxWxD) (mm) 260x100x55 mm
13-Net Weight 800 g